This is article is floor plan and map of Shwedagon Pagoda. For a complete guide, see the article Complete Shwedagon Pagoda Guide.
1. Southern stairway
2. Western stairway
3. Northern stairway
4. Eastern stairway
5. Southern main shrine – Temple of the Konagomana Buddha
6. Chinese Merited Association Tazaung (Buddhist Shrine)
7. Hall of Golden and Silver Hills
8. Shrine of Sun and Moon
9. Commemorative Column for first Rangoon University students’ boycott
10. Guardian spirit of Shwedagon Pagoda
11. Hall of U Thin and Daw Thet Pyin
12. Rakhine Tazaung
13. Daw Pwint Tazaung
14. Statues of Melamu and Sakka
15. Koo Chein Kan and Ma Kyee Kyee Hall
16. Two Pice Tazaung
17. Main west shrine – Temple of the Kassapa Buddha
18. Pagoda of the Eight Weekdays
19. Maha Gandha Bell
20. U Po Thaung Hall
21. Shin Saw Pu Shrine
22. Maha Bodhi Tree
23. Hall of Great Prosperity
24. Victory Ground
25. Eleven – Shrine cluster
26. Chan Ma Phee’s Hall
27. Buddha’s Foot prints Hall
28. Zediyingana Society
29. Sandawdwin Pagoda
30. North main shrine – Temple of the Gautama Buddha
31. Maha Bodhi Pagoda
32. Hall of Wizards
33. Saw La Paw’s Pagoda
34. Strand Market Two Pice Hall
35. Shin Itzagawna Tazaung
36. Naungdawgyi Pagoda (Elder Brother Pagoda)
37. Maha Tissada Bell
38. Replica of the Hti
39. Bo Bo Aung Shrine
40. Daw Ngwe Zin’s Hall
41. East main shrine – Temple of the Kakusandha Buddha
42. Tawa Ghu Buddha
43. U Nyo Tazaung
44. Dhammazedi Stones
45. Hall of Carousal
46. Curio Museum
47. Shwedagon Museum
Dear Editor,
Do you know How is the Original Astrological Posts look? When they are build?
What happened to these Astrological Posts and When?
Why these things happened to the Most sacred,invaluable and serious Archaeological monuments of very famous Great SHWEDAGON pagoda?
Where they gone?