Myanmar DHS (Demographic and Health Survey) results are available now. The survey was conducted in 2015 all over Myanmar by the Ministry of Health, with the aids from DHS foundation and USAID funding. A total of 12,885 women and 4,737 men aged between 15 – 49 years old in 12,500 selected households were interviewed. The sample is nationally representative and findings give better results than previous estimates. And the findings from this survey paint a grim picture of the health situation in Myanmar. Some of the key facts are highlighted below.

- 58% of households in rural area do not have access to electricity
- 42% of households in Myanmar do not have access to improved sanitation facilities (latrine).
- 73% of households own a mobile phone. This is a good sign!
- Half of households in Myanmar own a motorcycle. That is good!
- Literacy rate in Myanmar is quite high. 90% of adult population is literate.
- Fertility rate in Myanmar is 2.3 per woman. Even in rural areas, fertility rate is only 2.4.
- Five percent of women age 15-49 report that they have at least one co-wife; that is, they are in a polygamous union
- The under- ve mortality rate is 50 deaths per 1,000 live births. This means that 1 in 20 children do not survive until his or her fifth birthday. It is highest in Chain State where under-five death is 104 per 1,000 live births, meaning 1 in 10 children do not survive beyond five years of age in Chin State!
- Pregnancy related mortality is 227 per 100,000 childbirths. This is higher than previous estimate of 200 per 100,000 childbirths.
- Only one third of the pregnant mothers give birth at the health facility. Two thirds deliver at home.
- Complete vaccination (immunization) coverage in Myanmar is only 55%. This is too low to prevent outbreak of any vaccine preventable diseases.
- 10% of children under-five had diarrhea within two weeks before the survey.
- 29% of children are stunted, meaning they have suffered from chronic malnutrition. In Chin State, it is as high as 41%.
- One in five children are under-weight.
- 58% of children are anemic. 47% of adult women are anemic.
- Half of the women believe husband is justified to beat the wife under certain conditions.
- 10% of women in Kayah State and Rakhine State reported they had experienced sexual violence in their life.
- Only 5% of the households in Myanmar had at least 3 children’s book at home.
- 43% of children in Myanmar had experienced physical violence as part of child discipline by parents or teachers.
Full report can be downloaded from the DHS website.