Good time for Myanmar astrologers

While the economy is in turmoil, Myanmar astrologers and astrological book publishers are finding it a good time for their business, according to the Democratic Voice of Burma.

While rice exports are not earning good price, while sea food industry is in big trouble, while business are finding it difficult to maintain their business activity, more and more people are resorting to the traditional Myanmar way of belief – Myanmar astrology!

According to a Myanmar astrologer Zinyawni, more customers are coming to him. “However, the income is not significantly increased. People cannot spend much nowadays. But more and more people are resorting to astrology.”

Consultation fees for a session of prediction is as low as a few hundreds to as high as a few thousands to more than ten to twenty thousand, according to Zinyawni. Some astrologers do not charge much on consultation fees but on yadayar fees.

In the publishing business, astrological books of small general predictions are selling like hot cakes.

However, an astrologer from Sanchaung, Yangon said his business is not getting many customers nowadays. Resorting to astrology also depends on the mindset of the individuals as well as their education level, said Soe Moe Naing, a well known publisher of Myanmar astrological prediction books. Most uneducated people usually resort to astrology in times of trouble, said he.

Soe Moe Naing said the business of publishing astrological predictions has become a well established business in Myanmar now. One young woman from Myanmar whose hobby is astrology said that, because she cannot afford to pay for the consultation fees, she bought only the small and cheap yearly prediction books from the well known Myanmar astrologers.

Source: Democratic Voice of Burma

4 thoughts on “Good time for Myanmar astrologers”

  1. An astrologer from Argentina, is predicting right now that a country from Asia con whith the letter “A” is going to have a huge change (I guess it is Myanmar) because the leadership of a sick man under Aquarius Sign is going to explote in his umbilical part of his body. He also said that the country will be GOVERN under the sign of a GEMINI person. This Astrologer Don Zodiac Guille also predicted the civil-military destitution for the President Zelaya in Honduras, but de also predicted that the President will returns to the power. (Susan CASTRO AVENDAÑO from Madrid – Spain)

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